View Source Nostrum.Struct.Component.Button (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Helpers for dealing with Button Components



Create a button.

Disables the button when disabled is true. Enables it otherwise.

Create an interaction button.

Create a link button.

Changes the style of the button.

Toggle the buttons disabled state.


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View Source (since 0.5.0)
@type interaction_button() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Component{
  channel_types: term(),
  components: term(),
  custom_id: Nostrum.Struct.Component.custom_id(),
  default_values: term(),
  disabled: Nostrum.Struct.Component.disabled(),
  emoji: Nostrum.Struct.Component.emoji(),
  label: Nostrum.Struct.Component.label(),
  max_length: term(),
  max_values: term(),
  min_length: term(),
  min_values: term(),
  options: term(),
  placeholder: term(),
  required: term(),
  type: Nostrum.Struct.Component.type(),
  url: term(),
  value: term()
@type opts() :: [opt()]
@type t() :: link_button() | interaction_button()


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button(opts \\ [])

View Source (since 0.5.0)

Create a button.

This function provides direct access to the new/1 callback.

Note: While using this function directly you are not guaranteed to return a valid button, providing a valid combination of options becomes the responsibility of the reader. It is instead recommended to use the helper functions provided below.

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disable(button, disabled)

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Disables the button when disabled is true. Enables it otherwise.

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interaction_button(label, custom_id, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 0.5.0)

Create an interaction button.

Read more about interaction buttons in the Nostrum.Struct.Component documentation.

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put_style(button, style)

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Changes the style of the button.

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Toggle the buttons disabled state.