View Source Nostrum.Struct.Event.AutoModerationRuleExecute (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Sent when an auto-moderation rule executes. (e.g. message is blocked).



The action that was executed

The id of any system message that was generated as a result of the action

The id of the channel in which the content was posted

The content of the message which triggered the rule

The id of the guild in which the action was executed

The substring which matched the content

The keyword that was matched in the content

The id of the message which was posted

The id of the rule that was executed

The type of the rule that was executed


The id of the user which generated the content which triggered the rule


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The action that was executed

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@type alert_system_message_id() :: | nil

The id of any system message that was generated as a result of the action

note: will not exist if the event does not correspond to an action that generates a system message

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@type channel_id() :: | nil

The id of the channel in which the content was posted

note: this field may not exist if the content was blocked from being created

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@type content() :: String.t()

The content of the message which triggered the rule

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@type guild_id() ::

The id of the guild in which the action was executed

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@type matched_content() :: String.t() | nil

The substring which matched the content

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@type matched_keyword() :: String.t() | nil

The keyword that was matched in the content

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@type message_id() :: | nil

The id of the message which was posted

note: this field will not exist if the content was blocked from being created

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The id of the rule that was executed

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View Source (since 0.7.0)
@type rule_trigger_type() :: Nostrum.Struct.AutoModerationRule.trigger_type()

The type of the rule that was executed

@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.AutoModerationRuleExecute{
  action: action(),
  alert_system_message_id: alert_system_message_id(),
  channel_id: channel_id(),
  content: content(),
  guild_id: guild_id(),
  matched_content: matched_content(),
  matched_keyword: matched_keyword(),
  message_id: message_id(),
  rule_id: rule_id(),
  rule_trigger_type: rule_trigger_type(),
  user_id: user_id()
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View Source (since 0.7.0)
@type user_id() ::

The id of the user which generated the content which triggered the rule