Nostrum.Struct.User (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceStruct representing a Discord user.
Mentioning Users in Messages
A Nostrum.Struct.User
can be mentioned in message content using the String.Chars
protocol or mention/1
user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{id: 120571255635181568}
Nostrum.Api.Message.create(184046599834435585, "#{user}")
%Nostrum.Struct.Message{content: "<@120571255635181568>"}
user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{id: 89918932789497856}
Nostrum.Api.Message.create(280085880452939778, "#{Nostrum.Struct.User.mention(user)}")
%Nostrum.Struct.Message{content: "<@89918932789497856>"}
User vs. Member
A user
contains only general information about that user such as a username
and an avatar
A member
has everything that a user
has, but also additional information on a per guild basis. This includes things like a nickname
and a list of roles
User's avatar hash
Whether the user is a bot
The user's 4--digit discord-tag
The user's display name, if it is set
The user's id
The user's public flags, as a bitset.
The user's username
Returns the URL of a user's display avatar.
Returns a user's :global_name
if present, otherwise returns their
and :discriminator
separated by a hashtag.
Formats an Nostrum.Struct.User
into a mention.
@type avatar() :: String.t() | nil
User's avatar hash
@type bot() :: boolean() | nil
Whether the user is a bot
@type discriminator() :: String.t()
The user's 4--digit discord-tag
@type global_name() :: String.t() | nil
The user's display name, if it is set
@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
The user's id
@type public_flags() :: Nostrum.Struct.User.Flags.raw_flags()
The user's public flags, as a bitset.
To parse these, use Nostrum.Struct.User.Flags.from_integer/1
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.User{ avatar: avatar(), bot: bot(), discriminator: discriminator(), global_name: global_name(), id: id(), public_flags: public_flags(), username: username() }
@type username() :: String.t()
The user's username
Returns the URL of a user's display avatar.
If :avatar
is nil
, the default avatar url is returned.
Supported image formats are PNG, JPEG, WebP, and GIF.
iex> user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{avatar: "8342729096ea3675442027381ff50dfe",
...> id: 80351110224678912}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.User.avatar_url(user)
iex> Nostrum.Struct.User.avatar_url(user, "png")
iex> user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{avatar: nil,
...> id: 80351110224678912,
...> discriminator: "0"}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.User.avatar_url(user)
iex> user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{avatar: nil,
...> discriminator: "1337"}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.User.avatar_url(user)
Returns a user's :global_name
if present, otherwise returns their
and :discriminator
separated by a hashtag.
iex> user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{global_name: "TheRealJason",
...> username: "therealjason",
...> discriminator: "0"}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.User.full_name(user)
iex> user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{username: "b1nzy",
...> discriminator: "0852"}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.User.full_name(user)
Formats an Nostrum.Struct.User
into a mention.
iex> user = %Nostrum.Struct.User{id: 177888205536886784}
...> Nostrum.Struct.User.mention(user)