Nostrum.Struct.Event.TypingStart (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceSent when a user starts typing in a channel
Channel in which the user started typing
ID of the guild where the user started typing, if applicable
The member who started typing if this happened in a guild
Event sent when a user starts typing in a channel
When the user started typing
ID of the user who started typing
@type channel_id() ::
Channel in which the user started typing
@type guild_id() :: | nil
ID of the guild where the user started typing, if applicable
@type member() :: Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member.t() | nil
The member who started typing if this happened in a guild
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.TypingStart{ channel_id: channel_id(), guild_id: guild_id(), member: member(), timestamp: timestamp(), user_id: user_id() }
Event sent when a user starts typing in a channel
@type timestamp() :: DateTime.t()
When the user started typing
@type user_id() ::
ID of the user who started typing