Nostrum.Struct.VoiceWSState (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceStruct representing the current Voice WS state.
The channel id that this voice websocket state applies to
PID of the :gun
worker connected to the websocket
PID of the connection process
The consumer callback module. See Nostrum.Consumer
Encryption mode selected for voice channel
Gateway URL
The guild id that this voice websocket state applies to
Whether or not the last heartbeat sent was ACK'd
Interval at which heartbeats are sent
Time ref for the heartbeat
Whether the session has been identified
The time the last heartbeat was acknowledged, will be nil if a heartbeat hasn't been ACK'd yet
The time the last heartbeat was sent, if a heartbeat hasn't been sent it will be the time the websocket process was started
The secret key for audio encryption
Sequence number for buffering server-sent events
The session id
A mapping of RTP SSRC (synchronization source) to user id
Stream reference for :gun
The session token
@type channel_id() ::
The channel id that this voice websocket state applies to
@type conn() :: pid()
PID of the :gun
worker connected to the websocket
@type conn_pid() :: pid()
PID of the connection process
@type consumer() :: module()
The consumer callback module. See Nostrum.Consumer
@type encryption_mode() :: Nostrum.Voice.Crypto.cipher()
Encryption mode selected for voice channel
@type gateway() :: String.t()
Gateway URL
@type guild_id() ::
The guild id that this voice websocket state applies to
@type heartbeat_ack() :: boolean()
Whether or not the last heartbeat sent was ACK'd
@type heartbeat_interval() :: integer() | nil
Interval at which heartbeats are sent
@type heartbeat_ref() :: :timer.tref() | nil
Time ref for the heartbeat
@type identified() :: boolean()
Whether the session has been identified
@type last_heartbeat_ack() :: DateTime.t() | nil
The time the last heartbeat was acknowledged, will be nil if a heartbeat hasn't been ACK'd yet
@type last_heartbeat_send() :: DateTime.t()
The time the last heartbeat was sent, if a heartbeat hasn't been sent it will be the time the websocket process was started
@type secret_key() :: binary() | nil
The secret key for audio encryption
@type seq() :: integer()
Sequence number for buffering server-sent events
@type session() :: String.t()
The session id
@type ssrc_map() :: %{required(integer()) =>}
A mapping of RTP SSRC (synchronization source) to user id
This map can be used to identify the user who generated the incoming audio data when an RTP packet is received.
@type stream() :: :gun.stream_ref()
Stream reference for :gun
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.VoiceWSState{ channel_id: channel_id(), conn: conn(), conn_pid: conn_pid(), consumer: consumer(), encryption_mode: encryption_mode(), gateway: gateway(), guild_id: guild_id(), heartbeat_ack: heartbeat_ack(), heartbeat_interval: heartbeat_interval(), heartbeat_ref: heartbeat_ref(), identified: identified(), last_heartbeat_ack: last_heartbeat_ack(), last_heartbeat_send: last_heartbeat_send(), secret_key: secret_key(), seq: seq(), session: session(), ssrc_map: ssrc_map(), stream: stream(), token: token() }
@type token() :: String.t()
The session token