Nostrum.Api.Guild (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)

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Functions for interacting with the Discord API's guild endpoints.




Puts a user in a guild.

Gets a ban object for the given user from a guild.

Gets a list of users banned from a guild.

Begins a guild prune to prune members within days.

Gets a list of guild channels.

Creates a new emoji for the given guild.

Creates a new guild integeration.

Deletes a guild.

Deletes a guild integeration.

Deletes a role from a guild.

Gets an emoji for the given guild and emoji ids.

Gets a list of emojis for a given guild.

Gets the number of members that would be removed in a prune given days.

Gets a guild.

Gets a list of guild integerations.

Removes a member from a guild.

Leaves a guild.

Gets a guild member.

Gets a list of a guild's members.

Modifies a guild's settings.

Reorders a guild's channels.

Changes the settings and behaviours for a guild integeration.

Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild.

Modifies a guild embed.

Gets a guild's roles.

Get a list of scheduled events for a guild.

Syncs a guild integration.

Gets a list of voice regions for the guild.

Gets a list of voice regions.

Gets a list of webhooks for a guild.

Gets a guild embed.


add_member(guild_id, user_id, options)

(since 0.10.1)

Puts a user in a guild.

This endpoint fires the Nostrum.Consumer.guild_member_add/0 event. It requires the CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission. Additionally, it situationally requires the MANAGE_NICKNAMES, MANAGE_ROLES, MUTE_MEMBERS, and DEAFEN_MEMBERS permissions.

If successful, returns {:ok, member} or {:ok} if the user was already a member of the guild. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :access_token (string) - the user's oauth2 access token
  • :nick (string) - value to set users nickname to
  • :roles (list of - array of role ids the member is assigned
  • :mute (boolean) - if the user is muted
  • :deaf (boolean) - if the user is deafened

:access_token is always required.


  access_token: "6qrZcUqja7812RVdnEKjpzOL4CvHBFG",
  nick: "nostrum",
  roles: [431849301, 913809431]

add_member_role(guild_id, user_id, role_id, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Adds a role to a member.

Role to add is specified by role_id. User to add role to is specified by guild_id and user_id. An optional reason can be given for the audit log.

audit_log(guild_id, options \\ [])

(since 0.10.1)

Get the Nostrum.Struct.Guild.AuditLog.t/0 for the given guild_id.


  • :user_id ( - filter the log for a user ID
  • :action_type (integer/0) - filter the log by audit log type, see Audit Log Events
  • :before (t:Nostrum.Struct.Snowflake.t/0) - filter the log before a certain entry ID
  • :limit (pos_integer/0) - how many entries are returned (default 50, minimum 1, maximum 100)

ban(guild_id, user_id)

(since 1.x.x)

Gets a ban object for the given user from a guild.

ban_member(guild_id, user_id, days_to_delete, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Bans a user from a guild.

User to delete is specified by guild_id and user_id. An optional reason can be specified for the audit log.


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of users banned from a guild.

Guild to get bans for is specified by guild_id.

begin_prune(guild_id, days, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec begin_prune(,
) ::
  Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok, %{pruned: integer()}}

Begins a guild prune to prune members within days.

An optional reason can be provided for the guild audit log.

This endpoint requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission. It fires multiple Nostrum.Consumer.guild_member_remove/0 events.

If successful, returns {:ok, %{pruned: pruned}}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.begin_prune(81384788765712384, 1)
{:ok, %{pruned: 0}}


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of guild channels.

If successful, returns {:ok, channels}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


{:ok, [%Nostrum.Struct.Channel{guild_id: 81384788765712384} | _]}

create_emoji(guild_id, options, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Creates a new emoji for the given guild.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_emojis_update/0 event.

An optional reason can be provided for the audit log.

If successful, returns {:ok, emoji}. Otherwise, returns Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :name (string) - name of the emoji
  • :image (base64 data URI) - the 128x128 emoji image. Maximum size of 256kb
  • :roles (list of Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - roles for which this emoji will be whitelisted (default: [])

:name and :image are always required.


image = ""

Nostrum.Api.Guild.create_emoji(43189401384091, name: "nostrum", image: image, roles: [])

create_integration(guild_id, options)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec create_integration(integer(), %{type: String.t(), id: integer()}) ::
  Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok}

Creates a new guild integeration.

Guild to create integration with is specified by guild_id.

options is a map with the following requires keys:

  • type - Integration type.
  • id - Integeration id.

create_role(guild_id, options, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Creates a guild role.

An optional reason for the audit log can be provided via reason.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_role_create/0 event.

If successful, returns {:ok, role}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :name (string) - name of the role (default: "new role")
  • :permissions (integer) - bitwise of the enabled/disabled permissions (default: @everyone perms)
  • :color (integer) - RGB color value (default: 0)
  • :hoist (boolean) - whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar (default: false)
  • :mentionable (boolean) - whether the role should be mentionable (default: false)
  • :icon (string) - URL role icon (default: nil)
  • :unicode_emoji (string) - standard unicode character emoji role icon (default: nil)


Nostrum.Api.Guild.create_role(41771983423143937, name: "nostrum-club", hoist: true)


(since 0.10.1)
@spec delete( :: Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok}

Deletes a guild.

This endpoint requires that the current user is the owner of the guild. It fires the Nostrum.Consumer.guild_delete/0 event.

If successful, returns {:ok}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.



delete_emoji(guild_id, emoji_id, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Deletes the given emoji.

An optional reason can be provided for the audit log.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_emojis_update/0 event.

If successful, returns {:ok}. Otherwise, returns Nostrum.Api.error/0.

delete_integration(guild_id, integration_id)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec delete_integration(, integer()) ::
  Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok}

Deletes a guild integeration.

Integration to delete is specified by guild_id and integeration_id.

delete_role(guild_id, role_id, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Deletes a role from a guild.

An optional reason can be specified for the audit log.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_role_delete/0 event.

If successful, returns {:ok}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.delete_role(41771983423143937, 392817238471936)

emoji(guild_id, emoji_id)

(since 0.10.1)

Gets an emoji for the given guild and emoji ids.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission.

If successful, returns {:ok, emoji}. Otherwise, returns Nostrum.Api.error/0.


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of emojis for a given guild.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission.

If successful, returns {:ok, emojis}. Otherwise, returns Nostrum.Api.error/0.

estimate_prune_count(guild_id, days)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec estimate_prune_count(, 1..30) ::
  Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok, %{pruned: integer()}}

Gets the number of members that would be removed in a prune given days.

This endpoint requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission.

If successful, returns {:ok, %{pruned: pruned}}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.estimate_prune_count(81384788765712384, 1)
{:ok, %{pruned: 0}}


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a guild.

If successful, returns {:ok, guild}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


{:ok, %Nostrum.Struct.Guild{id: 81384788765712384}}


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of guild integerations.

Guild to get integrations for is specified by guild_id.

kick_member(guild_id, user_id, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Removes a member from a guild.

This event requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_member_remove/0 event.

An optional reason can be provided for the audit log with reason.

If successful, returns {:ok}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


iex> Nostrum.Api.Guild.kick_member(1453827904102291, 18739485766253)


(since 0.10.1)
@spec leave( :: Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok}

Leaves a guild.

Guild to leave is specified by guild_id.

member(guild_id, user_id)

(since 0.10.1)

Gets a guild member.

If successful, returns {:ok, member}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.member(4019283754613, 184937267485)

members(guild_id, options \\ %{})

(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of a guild's members.

If successful, returns {:ok, members}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :limit (integer) - max number of members to return (1-1000) (default: 1)
  • :after ( - the highest user id in the previous page (default: 0)


Nostrum.Api.Guild.members(41771983423143937, limit: 1)

modify(guild_id, options \\ [], reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Modifies a guild's settings.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. It fires the Nostrum.Consumer.guild_update/0 event.

An optional reason can be provided for the audit log.

If successful, returns {:ok, guild}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :name (string) - guild name
  • :region (string) - guild voice region id
  • :verification_level (integer) - verification level
  • :default_message_notifications (integer) - default message notification level
  • :explicit_content_filter (integer) - explicit content filter level
  • :afk_channel_id (Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - id for afk channel
  • :afk_timeout (integer) - afk timeout in seconds
  • :icon (base64 data URI) - 128x128 jpeg image for the guild icon
  • :owner_id (Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - user id to transfer guild ownership to (must be owner)
  • :splash (base64 data URI) - 128x128 jpeg image for the guild splash (VIP only)
  • :system_channel_id (Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - the id of the channel to which system messages are sent
  • :rules_channel_id (Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - the id of the channel that is used for rules in public guilds
  • :public_updates_channel_id (Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - the id of the channel where admins and moderators receive notices from Discord in public guilds


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify(451824027976073216, name: "Nose Drum")
{:ok, %Nostrum.Struct.Guild{id: 451824027976073216, name: "Nose Drum", ...}}

modify_channel_positions(guild_id, positions)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec modify_channel_positions(, [
  %{id:, position: integer()}
]) :: Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok}

Reorders a guild's channels.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission. It fires multiple Nostrum.Consumer.channel_update/0 events.

If successful, returns {:ok, channels}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.

positions is a list of maps that each map a channel id with a position.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify_channel_positions(279093381723062272, [%{id: 351500354581692420, position: 2}])

modify_emoji(guild_id, emoji_id, options \\ %{}, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Modify the given emoji.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_emojis_update/0 event.

An optional reason can be provided for the audit log.

If successful, returns {:ok, emoji}. Otherwise, returns Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :name (string) - name of the emoji
  • :roles (list of Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - roles to which this emoji will be whitelisted


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify_emoji(43189401384091, 4314301984301, name: "elixir", roles: [])

modify_integration(guild_id, integration_id, options)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec modify_integration(,,
    expire_behaviour: integer(),
    expire_grace_period: integer(),
    enable_emoticons: boolean()
) :: Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok}

Changes the settings and behaviours for a guild integeration.

Integration to modify is specified by guild_id and integeration_id.

options is a map with the following keys:

  • expire_behavior - Expiry behavior.
  • expire_grace_period - Period where the integration will ignore elapsed subs.
  • enable_emoticons - Whether emoticons should be synced.

modify_member(guild_id, user_id, options \\ %{}, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Modifies a guild member's attributes.

This endpoint fires the Nostrum.Consumer.guild_member_update/0 event. It situationally requires the MANAGE_NICKNAMES, MANAGE_ROLES, MUTE_MEMBERS, DEAFEN_MEMBERS, and MOVE_MEMBERS permissions.

If successful, returns {:ok, member}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.

An optional reason argument can be given for the audit log.


  • :nick (string) - value to set users nickname to
  • :roles (list of Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - array of role ids the member is assigned
  • :mute (boolean) - if the user is muted
  • :deaf (boolean) - if the user is deafened
  • :channel_id (Nostrum.Snowflake.t/0) - id of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice)
  • :communication_disabled_until (DateTime.t/0 or nil) - datetime to disable user communication (timeout) until, or nil to remove timeout.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify_member(41771983423143937, 637162356451, nick: "Nostrum")
{:ok, %Nostrum.Struct.Member{}}

modify_role(guild_id, role_id, options, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Modifies a guild role.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. It fires a Nostrum.Consumer.guild_role_update/0 event.

An optional reason can be specified for the audit log.

If successful, returns {:ok, role}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :name (string) - name of the role
  • :permissions (integer) - bitwise of the enabled/disabled permissions
  • :color (integer) - RGB color value (default: 0)
  • :hoist (boolean) - whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar
  • :mentionable (boolean) - whether the role should be mentionable


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify_role(41771983423143937, 392817238471936, hoist: false, name: "foo-bar")

modify_role_positions(guild_id, positions, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Reorders a guild's roles.

This endpoint requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. It fires multiple Nostrum.Consumer.guild_role_update/0 events.

If successful, returns {:ok, roles}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.

positions is a list of maps that each map a role id with a position.


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify_role_positions(41771983423143937, [%{id: 41771983423143936, position: 2}])

modify_self_nick(guild_id, options \\ %{})

(since 0.10.1)
@spec modify_self_nick(, Nostrum.Api.options()) ::
  Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok, %{nick: String.t()}}

Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild.

If successful, returns {:ok, %{nick: nick}}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.


  • :nick (string) - value to set users nickname to


Nostrum.Api.Guild.modify_self_nick(41771983423143937, nick: "Nostrum")
{:ok, %{nick: "Nostrum"}}

modify_widget(guild_id, options)

(since 0.10.1)
@spec modify_widget(, map()) ::
  Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok, map()}

Modifies a guild embed.

remove_member_role(guild_id, user_id, role_id, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Removes a role from a member.

Role to remove is specified by role_id. User to remove role from is specified by guild_id and user_id. An optional reason can be given for the audit log.


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a guild's roles.

If successful, returns {:ok, roles}. Otherwise, returns a Nostrum.Api.error/0.




(since 1.x.x)

Get a list of scheduled events for a guild.

sync_integration(guild_id, integration_id)

(since 0.10.1)

Syncs a guild integration.

Integration to sync is specified by guild_id and integeration_id.

unban_member(guild_id, user_id, reason \\ nil)

(since 0.10.1)

Removes a ban for a user.

User to unban is specified by guild_id and user_id. An optional reason can be specified for the audit log.


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of voice regions for the guild.

Guild to get voice regions for is specified by guild_id.


(since 0.10.1)
@spec voice_regions() :: Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok, [Nostrum.Struct.VoiceRegion.t()]}

Gets a list of voice regions.


(since 0.10.1)

Gets a list of webhooks for a guild.


  • guild_id - Guild to get webhooks for.


(since 0.10.1)
@spec widget( :: Nostrum.Api.error() | {:ok, map()}

Gets a guild embed.