Nostrum.Error.ApiError exception (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceRepresents a failed response from the API.
This occurs when :gun
fails, or when the API doesn't respond with 200
or 204
This should only be raised explicitly when using the banged API methods.
@type detailed_error() :: %{ code: discord_status_code(), message: String.t(), errors: errors() }
@type discord_status_code() :: 10001..90001
@type error() :: %{code: discord_status_code(), message: String.t()}
@type error_list_map() :: %{_errors: [error()]}
@type errors() :: %{required(String.t()) => errors()} | %{required(String.t()) => error_list_map()}
@type response() :: String.t() | error() | detailed_error()
@type status_code() :: 100..511
@type t() :: %{status_code: status_code(), response: response()}