Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceStruct representing a Discord role.
Mentioning Roles in Messages
A Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role
can be mentioned in message content using the String.Chars
protocol or mention/1
role = %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role{id: 431886897539973131}
Nostrum.Api.Message.create(184046599834435585, "#{role}")
role = %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role{id: 431884023535632398}
Nostrum.Api.Message.create(280085880452939778, "#{Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role.mention(role)}")
The hexadecimal color code
Whether the role is pinned in the user listing
The hash of the role icon
The id of the role
Whether the role is managed by an integration
Whether the role is mentionable
The name of the role
The permission bit set
The position of the role
The standard unicode character emoji icon for the role
Formats an Nostrum.Struct.Role
into a mention.
@type color() :: integer()
The hexadecimal color code
@type hoist() :: boolean()
Whether the role is pinned in the user listing
@type icon() :: String.t() | nil
The hash of the role icon
@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
The id of the role
@type managed() :: boolean()
Whether the role is managed by an integration
@type mentionable() :: boolean()
Whether the role is mentionable
@type name() :: String.t()
The name of the role
@type permissions() :: integer()
The permission bit set
@type position() :: integer()
The position of the role
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role{ color: color(), hoist: hoist(), icon: icon(), id: id(), managed: managed(), mentionable: mentionable(), name: name(), permissions: permissions(), position: position(), unicode_emoji: unicode_emoji() }
@type unicode_emoji() :: String.t() | nil
The standard unicode character emoji icon for the role