Nostrum.Struct.Event.PollVoteChange (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceRepresents an addition or removal of a vote from a Discord poll.
For polls where multiple answers were selected, one of these events will be fired for each vote.
ID corresponding to the answer_id in the Nostrum.Struct.Message.Poll.answers/0
ID of the channel the vote took place in
ID of the guild the poll is in (unless it is a private channel)
ID of the message the poll was attached to
Event representing a addition or removal of a vote from a poll
Whether the vote was an addition or removal for a vote of the option
ID of the user that has voted
@type answer_id() :: integer()
ID corresponding to the answer_id in the Nostrum.Struct.Message.Poll.answers/0
@type channel_id() ::
ID of the channel the vote took place in
@type guild_id() ::
ID of the guild the poll is in (unless it is a private channel)
@type message_id() ::
ID of the message the poll was attached to
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.PollVoteChange{ answer_id: answer_id(), channel_id: channel_id(), guild_id: guild_id(), message_id: message_id(), type: type(), user_id: user_id() }
Event representing a addition or removal of a vote from a poll
@type type() :: :add | :remove
Whether the vote was an addition or removal for a vote of the option
@type user_id() ::
ID of the user that has voted