View Source Gateway Compression

Nostrum supports either the zlib-stream or zstd-stream gateway compression methods, as documented here

Most users are fine to leave the gateway_compression configuration option set to :zlib (default), but users looking for a potential reduction in payload sizes from the Discord gateway can optionally set :zstd here.

Using :zstd compression

Using :zstd depends on the :ezstd library, so you will have to add this dependency to your mix.exs file:

  defp deps do
      {:nostrum, ...},
      {:ezstd, "~> 1.1"} # new dependency

:ezstd NIFs

Some functionality of :ezstd depends on Erlang NIFs (Natively Implemented Functions). This means that a proper compiler installation as well as other build tools like git may be necessary at the stage where you compile your dependencies.

It may be useful to run mix deps.compile in any build systems to ensure that your application does not need build utilities in the built application image.

Once you have this additional dependency installed in your project, set the :nostrum, :gateway_compression configuration option to :zstd and Nostrum should pick up on it.

You will need to run mix deps.get and mix deps.compile to install and compile the new :ezstd dependency.

Nostrum detection of :ezstd

Since the check for :ezstd takes place when you compile Nostrum, you might need to run mix deps.compile --force nostrum to ensure that Nostrum is recompiled and recognises the newly installed :ezstd dependency.

Not doing this may mean that your compiled Nostrum version is still using dummy handlers that will error out even when :ezstd is installed.