Nostrum.Struct.Event.Ready (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceSent after initial handshake with the gateway
Partial application object with id
and flags
The guilds that the bot user is in
Similar to session_id/0
, this is the URL that Discord has requested
reconnection attempts to be made against.
Used for resuming connections.
A pair of two integers {shard_id, num_shards}
Event sent after initial handshake with the gateway
Information about the bot user
Gateway version. See
@type application() :: Nostrum.Struct.Event.PartialApplication.t()
Partial application object with id
and flags
@type guilds() :: [Nostrum.Struct.Guild.UnavailableGuild.t()]
The guilds that the bot user is in
@type resume_gateway_url() :: String.t()
Similar to session_id/0
, this is the URL that Discord has requested
reconnection attempts to be made against.
Nostrum stores and handles this for you, this value is provided for debugging purposes.
@type session_id() :: String.t()
Used for resuming connections.
If you are wondering whether you need to use this, you probably don't. Nostrum handles reconnections for you.
@type shard() :: {integer(), non_neg_integer()} | nil
A pair of two integers {shard_id, num_shards}
For more information, see
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.Ready{ application: application(), guilds: guilds(), resume_gateway_url: resume_gateway_url(), session_id: session_id(), shard: shard(), user: user(), v: v() }
Event sent after initial handshake with the gateway
@type user() :: Nostrum.Struct.User.t()
Information about the bot user
@type v() :: non_neg_integer()
Gateway version. See