Nostrum.Struct.Event.ThreadListSync (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceStruct representing a Thread List Sync event.
This event is sent when the user gains access to a channel.
The parent channel ids whose threads are being synced. If omitted, all threads were synced for the entire guild.
The id of the guild.
All thread member objects from the synced threads for the current user, indicating which threads the user has been added to.
All active threads in the given channels that the user can access.
@type channel_ids() :: [] | nil
The parent channel ids whose threads are being synced. If omitted, all threads were synced for the entire guild.
@type guid_id() ::
The id of the guild.
@type members() :: [Nostrum.Struct.ThreadMember.t()]
All thread member objects from the synced threads for the current user, indicating which threads the user has been added to.
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.ThreadListSync{ channel_ids: channel_ids(), guild_id: guid_id(), members: members(), threads: threads() }
@type threads() :: [Nostrum.Struct.Channel.t()]
All active threads in the given channels that the user can access.