Nostrum.Struct.ApplicationCommand (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)

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Typespecs for creating Application Commands

Official reference:



When editing an existing application command, only the following fields may be updated, missing fields will remain unchanged.

This defines the map for creating an application command.

  • 1 for ROLE
  • 2 for USER
  • 3 for CHANNEL

You can use one of the Nostrum.Constants.ApplicationCommandPermissionType methods.

For editing the permissions for an application command

If you specify choices for a command those become the only valid options for the user to select from.

The description of the command, subcommand, or command_option. For CHAT_INPUT commands, it must be between 1 and 100 characters in length. For USER and MESSAGE commands it must be an empty string.

The name of the command, subcommand, or command_option. It must be between 1 and 32 characters in length and match the following regex: ^[w-]{1,32}$. Only USER and MESSAGE commands may include uppercase letters and spaces.

This defines a command's parameters. Only valid for CHAT_INPUT commands.

Indicates what type of argument the command expects.

The type of application command you wish to create



(since 0.5.0)
@type application_command_edit_map() :: %{
  optional(:name) => command_name(),
  optional(:description) => command_description(),
  optional(:options) => [command_option()],
  optional(:default_permission) => boolean()

When editing an existing application command, only the following fields may be updated, missing fields will remain unchanged.


(since 0.5.0)
@type application_command_map() :: %{
  :name => command_name(),
  :description => command_description(),
  optional(:type) => command_type(),
  optional(:default_permission) => boolean(),
  optional(:options) => [command_option()]

This defines the map for creating an application command.

:default_permission is for if the command is enabled for all users by default

For more information see the official documentation


(since 0.5.0)
@type application_command_permission_type() :: 1..4
  • 1 for ROLE
  • 2 for USER
  • 3 for CHANNEL

You can use one of the Nostrum.Constants.ApplicationCommandPermissionType methods.


(since 0.5.0)
@type application_command_permissions() :: %{
  id: Nostrum.Snowflake.t(),
  type: application_command_permission_type(),
  permission: boolean()

For editing the permissions for an application command

  • :id is the id of the role or user
  • :type is the type of the id, either role or user
  • :allow is whether the role or user should be allowed to use the command


(since 0.5.0)
@type command_choice() :: %{name: String.t(), value: String.t() | number()}

If you specify choices for a command those become the only valid options for the user to select from.


(since 0.5.0)
@type command_description() :: String.t()

The description of the command, subcommand, or command_option. For CHAT_INPUT commands, it must be between 1 and 100 characters in length. For USER and MESSAGE commands it must be an empty string.


(since 0.5.0)
@type command_name() :: String.t()

The name of the command, subcommand, or command_option. It must be between 1 and 32 characters in length and match the following regex: ^[w-]{1,32}$. Only USER and MESSAGE commands may include uppercase letters and spaces.


(since 0.5.0)
@type command_option() :: %{
  :name => command_name(),
  :description => command_description(),
  :type => command_option_type(),
  optional(:required) => boolean(),
  optional(:choices) => [command_choice()],
  optional(:options) => [command_option()],
  optional(:channel_types) => [pos_integer()],
  optional(:autocomplete) => boolean()

This defines a command's parameters. Only valid for CHAT_INPUT commands.


  • required parameters on a command must precede optional ones
  • for subcommands and subcommand groups, :options are its parameters
  • :options and :choices are mutually exclusive
  • :autocomplete must not be set to true if :choices is present
  • if :type is 7 then :channel_types can be a list of allowed channel types


(since 0.5.0)
@type command_option_type() :: 1..11

Indicates what type of argument the command expects.

  • 1 for SUB_COMMAND
  • 3 for ​STRING
  • 4 for ​INTEGER Note: due to API limitations they can only be between -2^53 and 2^53
  • 5 for BOOLEAN
  • 6 for USER
  • 7 for CHANNEL
  • 8 for ROLE
  • 9 for MENTIONABLE Note: Includes users and roles
  • 10 for NUMBER Note: This has the same limitations as ​INTEGER
  • 11 for ATTACHMENT

You may use one of the Nostrum.Constants.ApplicationCommandOptionType methods.


(since 0.5.0)
@type command_type() :: pos_integer()

The type of application command you wish to create

  • 1 for CHAT_INPUT, regular slash commands (default)
  • 2 for USER, right-click menu commands on a specific user
  • 3 for MESSAGE, right-click menu commands on a specific message

You may use one of the Nostrum.Constants.ApplicationCommandType methods.