View Source Nostrum.Store.UnavailableGuild behaviour (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Behaviour & dispatcher for storing unavailable guilds.


The GUILD_CREATE gateway event on its own provides no means to determine whether the guild we receive is a guild that the bot joined, or a guild that has just become available over the gateway. To work around this, this store keeps track of unavailable guilds we received to determine whether a guild sent over this event is unavailable or new. It is therefore unlikely this module needs to be used outside of nostrum.


By default, nostrum will use Elixir.Nostrum.Store.UnavailableGuild.ETS to store unavailable guilds. To override this, set the [:stores, :unavailable_guilds] setting on nostrum's application configuration:

config :nostrum,
  stores: %{
    unavailable_guilds: MyBot.Nostrum.Store.UnavailableGuild

This setting must be set at compile time.


If implementing your own unavailable guild store, in addition to the callbacks of this module, you must also provide the function child_spec/1. The recommended approach is to spawn a Supervisor to manage your store.



Retrieve the child specification for starting this mapping under a supervisor.

Mark the given guild as unavailable.

Return whether the guild is unavailable.


Link to this callback


View Source (since 0.8.0)
@callback child_spec(term()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()

Retrieve the child specification for starting this mapping under a supervisor.

Link to this callback


View Source (since 0.8.0)
@callback create( :: :ok

Mark the given guild as unavailable.

@callback is?( :: boolean()

Return whether the guild is unavailable.
