View Source Nostrum.Voice.Crypto.Aes (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Handles encryption and decryption of outgoing and incoming voice data when an AES encryption mode is selected

Internal module

This module is intended for exclusive usage inside of nostrum, and is documented for completeness and curious cryptographic cats.


AES is fully supported by the erlang :crypto module, so this module just provides a convenient wrapper around it for encryption and decryption.


Internally the functions :crypto.crypto_one_time_aead/6 and :crypto.crypto_one_time_aead/7 are called with the cipher argument set to :aes_256_gcm. Because these functions are implemented as NIFs with OpenSSL bindings, they faster than anything written in pure erlang/elixir.

Because the crypto function returns a tuple with the cipher text and tag (MAC) separately, the return value is an iolist with them in the order that Discord expects. This is done to reduce binary copies as the functions ingesting the encrypted messages all support iodata.

Readers are encouraged to read more about the erlang crypto module.

Performance considerations

AES is a well-established cipher and many modern CPUs have AES instruction sets to accelerate AES operations. While the Salsa20 and ChaCha20 stream ciphers are typically faster with pure software implementations, hardware acceleration will typically give AES the leg up for performance.



Link to this function

decrypt(cipher_text, key, nonce, aad, tag)

View Source (since 0.10.0)
@spec decrypt(binary(), <<_::256>>, <<_::96>>, binary(), <<_::128>>) ::
  binary() | :error
Link to this function

encrypt(plain_text, key, nonce, aad)

View Source (since 0.10.0)
@spec encrypt(binary(), <<_::256>>, <<_::96>>, binary()) :: iolist()