View Source Nostrum.Struct.Event.InviteCreate (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Struct representing an Invite Create event



Channel id of the channel this invite is for.

The unique invite code.

The time at which the invite was created.

Guild id of the guild this invite is for.

The user that created the invite.

Duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires.

Max number of times this invite can be used.


Partially populated user struct of the target user for this invite.

The type of user target for this invite.

Whether this invite only grants temporary membership.

Number of times this invite has been used.


@type channel_id() ::

Channel id of the channel this invite is for.

@type code() :: String.t()

The unique invite code.

@type created_at() :: String.t()

The time at which the invite was created.

@type guild_id() :: | nil

Guild id of the guild this invite is for.

@type inviter() :: Nostrum.Struct.User.t() | nil

The user that created the invite.

@type max_age() :: integer()

Duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires.

@type max_uses() :: integer()

Max number of times this invite can be used.

@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.InviteCreate{
  channel_id: channel_id(),
  code: code(),
  created_at: created_at(),
  guild_id: guild_id(),
  inviter: inviter(),
  max_age: max_age(),
  max_uses: max_uses(),
  target_user: target_user(),
  target_user_type: target_user_type(),
  temporary: temporary(),
  uses: uses()
@type target_user() :: Nostrum.Struct.User.t() | nil

Partially populated user struct of the target user for this invite.

@type target_user_type() :: integer() | nil

The type of user target for this invite.

@type temporary() :: boolean()

Whether this invite only grants temporary membership.

@type uses() :: integer()

Number of times this invite has been used.