API Reference nostrum v0.11.0-dev
View SourceModules
Interface for Discord's rest API.
Module for interacting with Discord's application commands.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's auto-moderation endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's channel endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's guild endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's interaction endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's invite endpoints.
Module for interacting with the Discord API's message endpoints.
Module for interacting with the Discord API's poll endpoints.
Handles REST calls to the Discord API while respecting ratelimits.
Tracks ratelimiters and determines correct ratelimiters to use per request.
Module for interacting with the Discord API's scheduled event endpoints.
Module for interacting with the current user.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's sticker endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's thread endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's user endpoints.
Functions for interacting with the Discord API's webhook endpoints.
Supervisor for a bot along with all its associated components.
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for mapping channel IDs to their respective guilds.
Maps channels to guilds via :ets
An Mnesia-based mapping between channel and guild IDs.
NoOp implementation for the Channel Guild map
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for guilds.
An ETS-based cache for guilds.
An Mnesia-based cache for guilds.
A cache module that does nothing.
Simple cache that stores information for the current user.
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for guild members.
An ETS-based cache for members.
An Mnesia-based cache for guild members.
A NoOp implementation for the MemberCache
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for Discord messages.
An Mnesia-based cache for messages.
A no-op message cache.
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for Discord presences.
ETS-based cache for user presences.
An Mnesia-based cache for presences.
A cache module that does not cache anything.
Supervises caches for nostrum structures.
Cache behaviour & dispatcher for users.
An ETS-based cache for users.
An Mnesia-based cache for users.
A NoOp implementation for the UserCache
Defines available types used for defining application command option types for passed options For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-option-type
Defines available types for application command permissions For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-permissions-object-application-command-permission-type
Defines available types used for selecting application command types For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/application-commands#application-command-object-application-command-types
Defines available styles for button message components For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#button-object-button-styles
Defines available types for channels For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object-channel-types
Defines available types for message components For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#component-object-component-types
Defines available types for interaction callbacks For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/receiving-and-responding#interaction-response-object-interaction-callback-type
Defines available types for Interaction Context types For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/receiving-and-responding#interaction-object-interaction-context-types
Defines available types for interactions For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/receiving-and-responding#interaction-object-interaction-type
Defines available styles for modal text inputs For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#text-inputs-text-input-styles
Defines available types for channels For more info please refer to https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#webhook-object-webhook-types
Consumer behaviour for gateway event handling.
Registers consumers and handles event dispatch.
Represents a failed response from the API.
Represents an error when interacting with the cache.
Represents an error when playing sound through voice channels.
Functions that work on permissions.
Manages a single shard's gateway connection.
A behaviour for compression methods supported by the Discord gateway to implement.
Implementation of compression methods for the zlib
compression algorithm.
Implementation of compression methods for the zstd
compression algorithm.
Supervises shard processes.
Functions that work on Snowflakes.
Behaviour & dispatcher for storing guild to shard mappings.
Maintains a mapping of guild IDs to their shard numbers using :ets
Maintains a mapping of guild IDs to their shard numbers using Mnesia.
Supervises processes managing nostrum's internal state.
Behaviour & dispatcher for storing unavailable guilds.
Stores guilds that are currently unavailable using :ets
Keeps track of unavailable guilds.
Typespecs for creating Application Commands
Struct for interaction data.
Struct for command invocation arguments.
Converted interaction payload.
Struct representing an auto-moderation rule.
Defines an action to be taken when a rule is triggered.
Struct representing any additional data used when an action is taken.
Struct representing the metadata of a trigger.
Struct and helper functions for working with channels.
Components are a framework for adding interactive elements to the messages your app or bot sends. They're accessible, customizable, and easy to use. There are several different types of components; this documentation will outline the basics of this new framework and each example.
Action Rows.
Helpers for dealing with Button Components
Channel Select
Default Value
Mentionable Select
Component Options
Role Select
Select Menu
Text Input.
User Select
Functions that work on Discord embeds.
Struct representing a Discord embed author.
Struct representing a Discord embed field.
Struct representing a Discord embed footer.
Struct representing a Discord embed image.
Struct representing a Discord embed provider.
Struct representing a Discord embed thumbnail.
Struct representing a Discord embed video.
Struct representing a Discord emoji.
Sent when an auto-moderation rule executes. (e.g. message is blocked).
Represents an update to channel pins.
Sent when a user is banned from a guild
Sent when a user is unbanned from a guild
Event fired when a guild integration is deleted.
Sent when a guild integration is updated
Struct representing a guild scheduled event user add event.
Struct representing a guild scheduled event user remove event.
Struct representing an Invite Create event
Struct representing an Invite Delete event
Struct representing a Message Delete event
Struct representing a Message Delete Bulk event
Sent when a user adds a reaction to a message
Sent when a user removes a reaction from a message
Sent when a user explicitly removes all reactions from a message
Sent when a bot removes all instances of a given emoji from the reactions of a message
Sent on READY
Represents an addition or removal of a vote from a Discord poll.
Sent after initial handshake with the gateway
Struct representing a Nostrum-generated Speaking Update event
Struct representing a Thread List Sync event.
Struct representing a thread members update event.
Sent when a user starts typing in a channel
Struct representing a Nostrum-generated Voice Ready event
Sent when a guild's voice server is updated
Represents a user's voice connection status
Struct representing a Discord guild.
Represents a guild's audit log.
Represents a single entry in the guild's audit log.
Represents a guild ban.
Struct representing a Discord guild integration.
Struct representing a Discord guild's integration account.
Struct representing a Discord Guild Integration Application.
Struct representing a Discord guild member.
Struct representing the flags a guild member can have.
Struct representing a Discord role.
Struct representing a scheduled event in a guild.
Struct representing any additional metadata associated with a Guild Event.
Struct representing a user in a guild's scheduled event.
Struct representing the flags on a guild's system channel
Struct representing an unavailable Discord guild.
Application command and Component invocation struct.
Struct representing a Discord invite.
A Nostrum.Struct.Message
represents a message.
Struct representing a Discord message activity.
Struct representing a Discord message application.
Struct representing a Discord message attachment.
A component attached to a message.
Struct representing a poll in a Discord chat.
A struct representing a poll answer.
A struct representing a media item of a poll (e.g. a question or answer)
A struct representing the results of a poll.
Struct representing a Discord message reaction.
Struct representing a discord message reference.
Struct representing a Discord overwrite.
A Nostrum.Struct.Sticker
represents a sticker that can be sent inside a
Represents a platform-curated sticker pack on Discord
Struct representing a thread member object
Struct representing a Discord user.
Struct representing a Discord User's connections
Struct representing the flags a user account can have
Struct representing a Discord voice region.
Struct representing the current Voice WS state.
Struct representing the current WS state.
Struct representing a Discord webhook.
A helper module for verifying the Discord bot token.
Utility functions
Interface for playing and listening to audio through Discord's voice channels.
Internal module that handles voice data encryption and decryption
Handles encryption and decryption of outgoing and incoming voice data when an AES encryption mode is selected
Handles encryption and decryption of outgoing and incoming voice data when a ChaCha encryption mode is selected
Handles encryption and decryption of outgoing and incoming voice data when a Salsa encryption mode is selected
Mix Tasks
Task that pushes docs to gh-pages branch on Discord.
Update all calls to deprecated Nostrum.Api