View Source Nostrum.Struct.Event.SpeakingUpdate (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Struct representing a Nostrum-generated Speaking Update event

Nostrum will generate this event when the bot starts or stops playing audio.



Id of the channel this speaking update is occurring in.

Current URL being played if a readable format.

Id of the guild this speaking update is occurring in.

Boolean representing if bot has started or stopped speaking.


Boolean representing if speaking update was caused by an audio timeout.


@type channel_id() ::

Id of the channel this speaking update is occurring in.

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View Source (since 0.6.0)
@type current_url() :: String.t() | nil

Current URL being played if a readable format.

@type guild_id() ::

Id of the guild this speaking update is occurring in.

@type speaking() :: boolean()

Boolean representing if bot has started or stopped speaking.

@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.SpeakingUpdate{
  channel_id: channel_id(),
  current_url: current_url(),
  guild_id: guild_id(),
  speaking: speaking(),
  timed_out: timed_out()
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View Source (since 0.5.0)
@type timed_out() :: boolean()

Boolean representing if speaking update was caused by an audio timeout.