Telemetry Events

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If you have the :telemetry library as a dependency, Nostrum will emit the below events for you to subscribe to.

API Request

Any requests made through the Nostrum.Api module will emit the below telemetry events.

[:nostrum, :api, :request, :start]:system_time:method, :route, :bot
[:nostrum, :api, :request, :stop]:duration:method, :route, :bot, :status
[:nostrum, :api, :request, :exception]:duration:method, :route, :bot, :kind, :reason, :stacktrace


  • :method - A lowercase atom representing the HTTP method used for the request. E.g. :get, :post.
  • :route - The route used for the request.
  • :bot - The name of the bot.
  • :status - one of the atoms :ok or :error.

See :telemetry.span/3 for more information on the measurements and metadata.


Nostrum's Ratelimiter will emit the below telemetry events.

[:nostrum, :ratelimiter, :connected]-:bot
[:nostrum, :ratelimiter, :connect_timeout]-:bot
[:nostrum, :ratelimiter, :disconnected]-:bot
[:nostrum, :ratelimiter, :postponed]-:bot, :major_route, :global


  • :bot - The name of the bot.
  • :major_route - A String that is Nostrum's internal representation of how it keys request paths for rate limits.
  • :global - A boolean indicating whether the request was delayed due to a global ratelimit.


Nostrum's Gateway will emit the below telemetry events.

[:nostrum, :gateway, :shard, :connected]-:shard_number, :bot
[:nostrum, :gateway, :shard, :disconnected]-:shard_number, :bot, :reason
[:nostrum, :gateway, :shard, :heartbeat]:seq:shard_number, :bot

Measurements and Metadata

  • :shard_number - The shard number of the shard which connected or disconnected.
  • :bot - The name of the bot.
  • :reason - The reason for the disconnection, for example :reconnect.
  • :seq - The sequence number of the heartbeat.