Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.Pack (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceRepresents a platform-curated sticker pack on Discord
Asset ID of the banner for this sticker pack.
ID of a sticker contained within the pack that should be the cover.
Marketing description of the sticker pack.
ID of the sticker pack.
Name of the pack.
SKU ID of the sticker pack.
A list of stickers contained within the pack.
Return the banner pack URL for a given sticker pack.
@type banner_asset_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
Asset ID of the banner for this sticker pack.
@type cover_sticker_id() ::
ID of a sticker contained within the pack that should be the cover.
@type description() :: String.t()
Marketing description of the sticker pack.
@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
ID of the sticker pack.
@type name() :: String.t()
Name of the pack.
@type sku_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
SKU ID of the sticker pack.
@type stickers() :: [Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.t()]
A list of stickers contained within the pack.
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.Pack{ banner_asset_id: banner_asset_id(), cover_sticker_id: cover_sticker_id(), description: description(), id: id(), name: name(), sku_id: sku_id(), stickers: stickers() }
Return the banner pack URL for a given sticker pack.
This is a marketing banner provided by Discord for their platform curated sticker packs.
iex> pack = %Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.Pack{banner_asset_id: 112233445566778899}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.Pack.banner_url pack