Nostrum.Struct.Sticker (nostrum v0.11.0-dev)
View SourceA Nostrum.Struct.Sticker
represents a sticker that can be sent inside a
Whether this guild sticker can be used.
Description of the sticker
Format of the sticker.
ID of the guild that owns this sticker.
ID of the sticker
Name of the sticker
ID of the pack the sticker is from
The sticker's sort order within its pack.
Tags used by the Discord client to auto-complete a sticker.
Whether the sticker is a standard (platform made) sticker or a custom guild sticker.
User that uploaded the guild sticker.
Fetch a CDN URL for the sticker object.
@type available() :: boolean()
Whether this guild sticker can be used.
May be false due to loss of Server Boosts
@type description() :: String.t() | nil
Description of the sticker
@type format_type() :: :png | :apng | :lottie | :gif
Format of the sticker.
This field is used to determine the return URL in cdn_url/1
@type guild_id() :: | nil
ID of the guild that owns this sticker.
if the sticker is a built-in (type :standard
) sticker.
@type id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
ID of the sticker
@type name() :: String.t() | nil
Name of the sticker
@type pack_id() :: Nostrum.Snowflake.t()
ID of the pack the sticker is from
@type sort_value() :: integer() | nil
The sticker's sort order within its pack.
Sometimes provided for stickers with type :standard
that are in a pack.
@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Sticker{ available: available(), description: description(), format_type: format_type(), guild_id: guild_id(), id: id(), name: name(), pack_id: pack_id(), sort_value: sort_value(), tags: tags(), type: type(), user: user() }
@type tags() :: String.t()
Tags used by the Discord client to auto-complete a sticker.
For default sticker packs, this is a comma-separated list. For guild stickers, this is the name of the unicode emoji associated by the sticker creator with the sticker.
This is technically a free-text field so consistency in formatting is not guaranteed.
@type type() :: :standard | :guild
Whether the sticker is a standard (platform made) sticker or a custom guild sticker.
@type user() :: Nostrum.Struct.User.t() | nil
User that uploaded the guild sticker.
if the sticker is a built-in (type :standard
) sticker.
Fetch a CDN URL for the sticker object.
and :apng
stickers will return a .png
URL, :gif
will return a
URL and :lottie
will return a .json
iex> sticker = %Nostrum.Struct.Sticker{format_type: :gif, id: 112233445566778899}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.cdn_url sticker
iex> sticker = %Nostrum.Struct.Sticker{format_type: :apng, id: 998877665544332211}
iex> Nostrum.Struct.Sticker.cdn_url sticker