View Source Nostrum.Struct.Event.ThreadMembersUpdate (Nostrum v0.10.0)

Struct representing a thread members update event.

This event is sent whenever a user is added or removed from a thread.

If the current user does not have the GUILD_MEMBERS intent, this event will only be sent when the current user is added to or removed from a thread.



The members that were added to the thread.

The id of the guild the thread is in.

The id of the thread.

The approximate number of members in the thread.

The ids of the members that were removed from the thread.



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@type added_members() :: [Nostrum.Struct.ThreadMember.t()] | nil

The members that were added to the thread.

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@type guild_id() ::

The id of the guild the thread is in.

@type id() ::

The id of the thread.

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@type member_count() :: non_neg_integer()

The approximate number of members in the thread.

This number is capped at 50, though there can be more members in the thread.

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@type removed_member_ids() :: [] | nil

The ids of the members that were removed from the thread.

@type t() :: %Nostrum.Struct.Event.ThreadMembersUpdate{
  added_members: added_members(),
  guild_id: guild_id(),
  id: id(),
  member_count: member_count(),
  removed_member_ids: removed_member_ids()